
Saturday, 23 October 2010

Hello again.

Wow. It’s been a while. One thing and another- moving house, lack of internet, spending waaaaaay too much time on the M1- has prevented me from having space to even think about writing the past couple of months. But here I am, writing, and it’s nice to be back.

So what’s happened? I’ve moved house, and now live in a lovely little terrace in the much-sought-after neighbourhood of Harehills (jokes, it’s got a pretty poor reputation but I love it; name any country in the world and I’ll bet you there’s someone from there living within a mile of my house). I’m coming to terms with the fat that my church community and my local community are pretty separate now, but I’m sure you’ll here more about that in months to come. I spent every weekend of September in London completing my work for “the Challenge” which was definitely a challenge for me! LOTS of hours spent on buses and trains and tubes and all sorts, but it was good to see it through to the end. And I enjoyed spending time with London-based friends that so kindly put me up. October has been the month of students and Freshers- we’ve had our student “Re:fresh” barbeques outside of City Church, and have spent Sunday afternoons hosting student lunches for all the shiny new faces that have turned up to meetings. That’s been pretty hectic in its own special way but slowly things are settling into routine and this week has been a quiet one. I needed one of those.

Kidz klub = great, I’m loving having my own visiting round and am being trained up to be a bus captain soon which is a terrifying thought but a welcome challenge!

Work = still going, I’ve just sent off a CRB form to volunteer at a local school and got some work experience with the SLT from the trust I work for so those are developments. Eventually someone will pay for my services but apparently they’d much prefer them for free. Same as anyone I guess. God is faithful all the same.

I’ve got a few things I’ve been thinking about the past few weeks that I’d like to write about so hopefully they will be along soon. I kind of intended to write one of those tonight but this little round-up has been pretty constructive actually so maybe I’ll leave it there. Not too long til next time, promise!